"The Movie Star" is the eleventh episode of Season 1, and is the 11th episode of the series overall.
The arrival of a movie star Rebecca Duval (Uma Thurman) turns Bombshell upside-down; Ivy and Karen try to overcome their history and unite against their new rival; Tom and Sam grow closer together.
Main cast[]
- Julia Houston - Debra Messing
- Derek Wills - Jack Davenport
- Karen Cartwright - Katharine McPhee
- Tom Levitt - Christian Borle
- Ivy Lynn - Megan Hilty
- Ellis Tancharoen - Jaime Cepero
- Dev Sundaram - Raza Jaffrey
- Eileen Rand - Anjelica Huston
Guest cast[]
- Uma Thurman - Rebecca Duval
- Dig Deep by Smash. Sung by Rebecca Duval.
- Let Me Be Your Star by Smash. Sung by Rebecca Duval.
- Our Day Will Come by Amy Winehouse. Sung by Karen Cartwright.
Screenshot Gallery[]
v - e - d |
Pilot • The Callbacks • Enter Mr. DiMaggio • The Cost of Art • Let's Be Bad • Chemistry • The Workshop • The Coup • Hell on Earth • Understudy • The Movie Star • Publicity • Tech • Previews • Bombshell |