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The Surprise Party is the tenth episode of Smash's second season and twenty-fifth overall. It premiered on April 6th, 2013.


The episode begins with the cast of “Bombshell” rehearsing for tech. Ivy is still unhappy with Tom for bringing in her mother, so he discusses with Julia how he can resolve this issue. Eileen and Richard seem to be growing closer and Richard wants her to not talk about work for a change. Karen and Jimmy are making out in the closet, while outside Derek is looking for her. Right before Richard arrives for the “Hit list” rehearsals, Jimmy tells Derek that he has added a new song for the Diva, a role which is being played by Ana. Richard is looking forward to seeing more of her in the musical, which is why they are thinking of ways to increase her role. 

At the “Bombshell” rehearsals, everyone but Tom remembers that its Ivy’s birthday and when he finds out, he is mortified that he forgot about it. He blames himself for being a terrible friend, so he comes up with an idea, which he feels will make up for everything. At the “Hit list” rehearsals, Karen, Jimmy and the rest of the cast perform a song for Richard and he seems impressed (Original). After the performance, while Derek is walking Richard to his car, Richard talks about Karen and says how it would make for an amazing story, if the director and the lead of “Hit list” were seeing each other. Derek counters that although it would make an amazing story, it wouldn’t be true. In Scott's office, Julia is discussing the play with him, when Derek arrives and asks Julia to be a dramaturg for “Hit list” because he feels she can give the play a structure. 

While walking home, Karen discusses with Ana her and Jimmy’s relationship. Ana feels that its weird Jimmy wants to keep the relationship a secret and can see no reason for it unless he is hiding something. Karen tries to defend Jimmy, saying he wants to keep things professional, which is why he wants this, but by the end of their conversation she seems convinced that Ana is right. At the “Bombshell” rehearsals, Tom wishes Ivy a “Happy Birthday” and says he has planned a surprise for her in the night. She tries to excuse herself because she has a party planned with the cast that Tom hasn’t been told about, but is forced to relent, when he says he won’t take no for an answer. 

Eileen calls Agnes and tells her that as a surprise Tom is planning to get Liza Minnelli to the restaurant, where he will be dining with Ivy. She tells Agnes to somehow get Michael Wheedle, a reporter who has been writing negative things about “Bombshell”, to that restaurant. Eileen says she too will be there with Richard. Agnes says she will ensure some other reporters are also at the restaurant to cover this thing. Jimmy and Karen are busy making out in the closet, when she tells him that they should go public with their relationship. Jimmy is reluctant and Karen can’t understand why, so before walking out she tells him that they can only continue seeing each other, if he is ready for everyone to know about it. 

Tom is dining with Ivy at the restaurant, while Eileen is also there with Richard at another table. Eileen sees Agnes entering with a couple of reporters and seems excited. While Julia is giving Kyle advice on how he can improve his story, she and Scott get into a bit of an argument about how she is still pushy like she was years ago. The argument leads to the revelation that Scott had a thing for Julia in those days, but didn’t say anything because she was married. Liza Minnelli arrives at the restaurant and Ivy is pleasantly surprised, when she finds out Tom did this for her. She nearly forgives Tom for everything that happened recently, when she sees Liza posing for pictures with Agnes and the reporters and assumes Tom did this for publicity. Tom assures her he didn’t and the only person who knew is Eileen. 

Tom figures out Eileen must have tipped off the Agnes, so he confronts her and she admits she did it because she thought it would be good publicity for “Bombshell”. Ivy is disappointed and is about to leave, when Liza who is sitting at the piano asks her to stop and says Tom has written a completely new song for her. Tom and Liza begin performing the song and Ivy seems really touched (A Love Letter From the Times). After an enjoyable performance by the duo, everyone in the restaurant cheers and applauds for them. While Karen is rehearsing by herself, Derek arrives and she asks him to rehearse a scene with her. He looks sad, so she asks him what the matter is and he confesses that he likes her. Karen awkwardly tells him that she is seeing Jimmy. He says that he knows and quietly walks away. 

Ivy and Tom make amends and after he walks her to a cab and it drives off, Tom is handed Ivy’s house keys, which she had forgotten at the restaurant. Scott, Julia and Kyle are still brainstorming on how the play can be improved. Scott is glad that he isn’t mad at Julia anymore and confesses that he had some of the best time in his life, when he was working with her. While he is walking home, Tom sees a few cast members of “Bombshell” standing outside a bar. He looks inside and sees that nearly everyone from the cast is there, so he goes in. Just as he enters, a cast member bearing cake in hand and singing “Happy Birthday” arrives there and takes it to Ivy, who is sitting at the bar. Ivy suddenly notices Tom and so does everyone else. They are all stunned and Tom looks hurt, but he says nothing, simply returns Ivy her keys and leaves.

At the “Hit list” rehearsals, Derek is watching Jimmy and Karen perform a scene. He doesn’t like the way they are enacting it and lets them know that in no uncertain terms. Karen feels Derek is being a bit harsh, but Derek doesn’t think so and this leads to an argument between him and Jimmy. During the argument Jimmy spills the beans that it was Derek, who told him to stay away from Karen. She is really pissed to hear this and makes it clear to Derek that she isn’t his property. Derek walks away in anger after reminding her, how much he has done for her. Karen is really pissed at Jimmy that he wasn’t man enough to stand up to Derek and storms off. 

Ivy chases after Tom and makes things right with him, saying he is her director and not her friend anymore, which is fine with her. She says all she wanted to do was take night off from her boss, which is why she didn’t tell him about the party. She also thanks him for the surprise, which made it the best birthday ever. Although Tom misses them being friends, he tells her that he understands. Kyle tells Derek about the changes they have made to the play and Derek likes them. Kyle feels Jimmy and Karen too should be informed about the changes, but Derek doesn’t feel that’s necessary. 

Later when they are by themselves in Scott's office, he and Julia flirt around a bit and then go out for a drink. Eileen and Richard both concede to each other that they still are carrying baggage from their past relationships, so they decide to take things slow. Jimmy lands up at Karen’s doorstep in the night and apologizes to her for everything. He asks her to come out for a date and gives her his coat, so she doesn’t have to get hers. 

Karen finds a small packet of coke in the pocket of his coat, but quickly puts is back in before Jimmy notices. Ivy is sitting by herself at the bar (Bittersweet Symphony), when Derek arrives and tells her that he didn’t forget her birthday. She is pleasantly surprised and says she’s glad that he didn’t. The episode ends at this point.



Main Cast []

Recurring Cast[]

  • Jamey Sheridan as Richard Francis
  • Jesse L. Martin as Scott Nichols

Special Guest Star[]




