Smash Wiki

Bboy9710 Bboy9710 17 June 2013

Fun smash poll

I was rewatching smash season two and i had a really fun idea for a poll kind of thing for this website:

Since Ivy is pregnant, If you were the creative team, Who (from the real world) would you choose to fill Ivy's shoes as marilyn in bombshell and why?

And you cant pick karen/katherine as she is in Hit List. But other than that you can choose anyone else.

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Bboy9710 Bboy9710 21 April 2013

Smash Filming Location?

Does anyone know what theater smash is filming at? Not the exterior shots because that is the lyceum theater, but the actually stage and auditorium they are using? I honestly cannot find it anywhere. I know it has an orchestra section, and one balcony level and a middle aisle but i cant find it anywhere

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Bboy9710 Bboy9710 7 April 2013

Bombshell creative team

Does anyone want to form a group and be the creative team for bombshell? As in, write the script but work as a team and put all our ideas together and each write scenes and then we can all give our notes and fix and adjust things? If anyone is interested let me know! Ive read every script posted on here for bombshell and alot of them are so good and i feel like if we all teamed up we could porbably write a majority of the show and share all our ideas. Comment if youre interested!

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Bboy9710 Bboy9710 4 May 2012


Anyone interested in doing something crazy and trying to write bombshell's script from the beginning?

Hahaha just if anyone is interested

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