Which choreography?
Hey Smashers!
I just wached some of the Smash numbers on Youtube and I fell in love with the choreography!!! It is so amazing!!
Which choreopraphy numer is your favourite and why?
Mine is The 20th Century Fox Mambo, because it is so energic and amazing!!
Smash R.I.P.
Hey guys!
I don't know about you, but I still can't belive that Smash is gone... I know that maybe you'll feel that I am saying that Smash is really over because of the title but I just didn't know what to write for it.
And I want to ask why? Why did they toke us the only broadway show? They could easly cancel some of the doctor shows or maybe police stuff, I know that some of people would not like it, but there is many shows about crime and doctors but there WAS only one about broadway and musical. And I will watch season 1 again and season 2 again and again for thausent times because it's so amazing :( :'(
Maybe we could bring it back like viewers-fans brought back Arrested Development. Maybe "even crazy dreams come true." Smash is never g…
Bobmshell script
Hey Smashers!
I have written my own script of Bombshell and if anyone want's to read it I can add you to my Drive folder
so just give me your email :)
Bombshell-Sheet Music
Hey guys!
Have anyone of you got Bombshell the Sheet Music?
If anyone have it, could you scan for me and sand it in pdf on my email: patrik.jeko@gmail.com
thanks :)