There have been many comparisons to the two shows. Both having the similarity of being a musical tv show.
Glee is about the underdog, using stereotypes as the basis of the character and than delving further in, completely breaking it. How hard people who know they are different, have big dreams are excluded and bullied for dreaming big and wanting to be different. SMASH is about what happens when that person makes it to Broadway and discovers that their are hundreds just like them, all trying to make it into the business.
SMASH has already stated that without Glee, they wouldn't be on television. THis is truth. FOX producers believed that Glee would fail and would only get 13 episodes. Ryan proved them wrong by writing, with Ian and Brad, episodes that connected with the audience.
This show has only had 1 episode and has already been named by numerous critics that this show is here to stay.. It's so powerful and shows to people who see shows and don't know what happens before, what a big thing a show truly is. Taking YEARS before it sees an audience.
What some Gleeks fell is that this show is a rip of Glee. It's not. The Producers called it Glee for adults, it to is not that. It is not glee by comparison at all but a show that can touch Broadway fans, people who can't/unable to see a musical live can sit back and watch one unfold in-front of them.
Season 1 is to get the show on it's first pair of legs, have a book and music written, and like other Broadway shows, go tout of town to Chicago to put it on for a month or so to an audience.
Season 2, if there is, is about what happens when it goes to Broadway and how will the people of New York see Marilyn?
I hope, as a Gleek and a Smasher, that this show will last. I hope you agree.
Wicked.Renthead-Gleek I'm Never Saying Goodbye to You 10:53, February 10, 2012 (UTC)